Welcome! You've navigated to the TrainerVince site. I'm an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer and Certified Exercise Therapist. I've been training and teaching in the realm of health, fitness and wellness for over thirty years. From the sedentary worker seeking improved mental and physical health , to competitive athletes in many different sports, I've provided instruction, advice, support and enthusiastic mentoring. As a fitness therapist, I've helped many people regain strength and mobility to injured limbs, or helped them recover balance and coordination following systemic illness. Additionally, I've coached my clients on methods of dietary change and helped them rid themselves of health destroying compulsions. I was a powerlifter and weightlifter for 35 years, training and coaching clients in both of those sports as well as bodybuilding. My martial arts training spans more than 30 years, in Japanese, Indonesian, Russian, Chinese and Filipino systems. I have provided strength and power training for many martial artists. as well as specific technique training in those arts which I've studied. I have formal training in Zen and Mikkyo-Tendai meditation techniques that help support one's goal-seeking actions. If you want a trainer who has decades of experience and knowledge with the sensitivity and understanding that comes from a lifetime of training himself, look no further. You have found him. Contact me at :